Saturday, February 6, 2010

One of the problems with reading most conventional parenting books is the promise. The promise that if you do "a" with your child, "b" will happen. If you handle a problem by using the given method, the outcome is predictable: Success. It only follows, then, that if you mess up the method, you've messed up your child. Just tweak the method, discipline more, yell less, spank, don't spank, blah, blah , blah...
The problem with all the focus on method and technique in parenting, in my opinion, is how I come to view my children in the process. Instead of seeing each child as a unique individual made in the image and likeness of God, I come to view my child as a product. When the "product" isn't turning out as promised, I have "failed."
I have come to realize after many years of parenting that there is only one foolproof method: Love. Love. Love.
Didn't our Lord say that "Love never fails?" (see 1Corinthians:13)
I am not saying that no good exists in parenting books. There are many wonderful parents writing helpful and informative books. What I am saying is that method cannot be the guide. Love has to be the guiding principle. Do the loving thing.

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